ALCION attended K 2019 and our commitment will be to work and to continue manufacturing our plastic packaging according to the philosophy set out in the exhibition, that we share 100%.

ALCION visited K, the most important worldwide competition in the plastics sector that closed its 2019 edition on 23rd October in Dusseldorf. Throughout this event it was well proved that "plastic remains an innovative, essential and future material, although all participants also corroborated unanimously the necessity of having operational circular economies along the complete material chain and to this end already presented numerous concrete solutions”

The press service of the event highlights in its final analysis that the participants "responded to the spirit of the time, since the 224116 professional visitors from 168 countries showed special interest in recycling systems, sustainable raw materials and resource-saving procedures. In addition, K 2019 maintained a marked investment character. Among the international specialized audience, there was a clear intention to prepare optimally for the future with the latest technologies.

The slogan of K 2019, "Nachdenken. Umdenken. Querdenken. Neudenken" (something like Reflect. Re-Think. Think Laterally. Think Anew) was reflected with absolute fidelity in the stands of the exhibitors, as the report states. The sector has never been so unanimous on any issue or worked as coherently on solutions as it is the case with environmental sustainability, resource savings and waste prevention.  A groundbreaking spirit prevails. Today's dynamics are overwhelming." Keep on reading the article here

The K 2019 special exhibition "Plastics shape the future" focused on the innovative strength of materials and in the sectors of resource preservation, digitalization, functionality, renewable energy, the circular economy and sustainability. These are the aspects in which ALCION works to offer its new generation plastic packaging. Check it here

Alcion plastic packaging circular economy
