Plastic material HDPE

The plastic industry find difficulties in supplying plastic materials

The European Polymer Alliance warns of the  difficulties  that plastics  transformers are encountering in the supply of raw materials. Created in 2015 bythe European Plastics Converters Association (EuPC), after the catastrophic situation generated during the first half of that year, due to the shortage of materials, it is responsible for monitoring force majeure declarations of plastic material manufacturers in Europe.

This analysis reveals an alarming increase in declarations during the last months of 2020,  which is already beginning to cause  European processing companies difficulties in purchasing raw material at reasonable prices at the moment.

Consequences of supply shortages of plastic materials

The    processing  industry   declares  that this shortage in Europe is beginning to have an impact on delays in production and deliveriesof processed product, in addition to a drastic reduction in commercial margins that has been suffering for months since theincrease in the price of materials in the last 3 months already amounts to 50%,and  couldaffect in the short term the supply of products considered essential

The industry tries different supply  possibilities, and even   go beyond European borders, but it would also not be able to avoid priceincessment, due to the transport costs and tariffs to which these materials are subject.

In view of the situation that has been dragging on   for months now, the sector is considering,  as an irretrievable measure, the impact of some of the price increases of raw materials  on  processed  products.

And now what...?

Faced with this unfavourablesituation,  ANAIP, Spanish Association of Plastics Industrialists representing the interests of Spanish processing companies, from its press room "asks institutions with responsibility in these areas, urgent and structural action,so thatsituations like this are not repeated and the market is served infree competition. "

Let's hope that this trend can really be reconverted shortly.
